Holland Damp Proof System

We recently carried out a full building survey on a late C19th. Coach House in Ryde. The property was beautifully detailed with brick plinths topped by cant brick stretchers with Tudor-styled timber frame over with render infill.

We were horrified to witness, therefore, that the owners had been persuaded into using The Holland Damp Proof System, or Schrijver System which remarkably, even after poor press coverage for many years, still appears to be sold as a cure for rising damp.

This system has been independently tested and proven to be worthless - see link below, so please act with caution should you be considering this system or are interested in buying a property where it has been fitted.

A review and opinion of performance data relating to an environmentally controlled damp proofing system

The remedial works just to remove this system and make good the brickwork plinth will cost the best part of £7000 - bear this in mind!
